Community Learning Series

Our community and the environmental movement have been fractured by racism and systems of oppression. Our living environments are unhealthy, wealth and power are unevenly distributed, and environmental and climate injustices are harming us and our neighbors.

Join our 4-part Community Learning Series so we can overcome and repair this harm, and build a fair future for everyone!

Sign up to be notified when our next series starts in 2025.

Join Us

Our 4-part Community Learning Series

We can overcome and repair this harm, and build a fair future for everyone!

Join in to…

  • Connect with others who share your values and commitment to justice;
  • Learn about how systems of oppression came to be and are impacting us; and
  • Take action within our community.

Current Series


Frequently Asked

How It Works

At the beginning of each year, community members are invited to read through a selected book together to explore systems of oppression and take collective action.

Community Learning

In our 4-part series, we gather virtually once a month to discuss what we’re learning, how these topics connect to current events, and how we can take action to make an impact.

Each session focuses on a specific theme from the book. In large and small groups, we discuss questions from the reading, and share our thoughts and experiences.

Discussions are centered on how this theme is showing up in our community currently, and then identifying what specific actions we can take as individuals to get involved.

Book Circles

Folks who are interested in diving deeper into the book are invited to read with a small Book Circle. Book Circles meet virtually on a regular basis, in addition to the four monthly sessions in the series.

Book Circles are great for those wanting to get to know people more personally, discuss the book in more detail, and for those who like more accountability.

Book Circles have been a very impactful and meaningful way for folks to get the most out of the reading and connect with the community!

Collective Action Alerts

Every two weeks throughout the series, folks receive a Collective Action Alert email with three suggested actions they can take in our community.

Actions support and amplify community initiatives and organizations that are working towards environmental justice. They range from attending events, signing petitions, spreading awareness, donating, etc.

We encourage folks to commit to taking at least one action from the Alert email, as it is not enough to learn about racism, systems of oppression, and environmental injustices. We must take action against them.

Collective Action Alerts are a great way to get involved and support our neighbors and community!

Join In!

Join in the Community Learning Series to learn how systems of oppression impact our community, and become more engaged in local action and initiatives. Build stronger relationships with your peers and community through collective action and collaboration.

This year Kyla Smith facilitated the series around the book Intersectional Environmentalist by Leah Thomas. The series just wrapped up, but we’re already making plans for our next one in 2025.

Fill out the form to be notified when we launch our next series!